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I’ve got this sales guy who won’t get off my back, or rather out of my inbox. He’s unrelenting. For what feels like ages, he’s been bombarding me with emails. But something unexpected happened recently. I was flipping through our beloved PEO Insider earlier this year when I stumbled upon a captivating article. As I started reading, I about jumped out of my chair. It hit me – the author was none other than that relentless sales guy! But the surprising part? Beyond just persistent sales pitches, he had unraveled a marketing secret that many of us have yet to discover – the power of media relations in your marketing strategy.  

He used media relations to hone in on the PEO industry and write an article for its top industry publication. He cut through the noise, effectively creating brand awareness and credibility for himself and his organization. While I am not in need of his services right now, he will certainly come to mind down the road if I’m ever in need. And if he were wise, he would double down and create an entire marketing strategy around the industry so that I begin seeing him in other places too, not just my inbox… But that’s for a future article. For now, let’s dive into the impact of media relations, discovering how it can drive your business to new heights, and explore some simple ways for you and your PEO to get started. 



Although my title today is marketing manager, my background is actually in media relations. I’ve had the pleasure of working with PR agencies and even the city of Sydney, Australia, where I’ve collaborated with countless businesses on crafting and executing strategic media and public relations campaigns. The initial goal? Elevating their brand awareness, credibility, and trust in their space. When done right, these smart business leaders not only established themselves as thought leaders in their industries but also reaped the rewards of lead generation, audience engagement, exciting collaborations, talent attraction, a competitive edge, and overall business growth.  

The marketing SaaS platform triumphed over its competition, while the IT help desk company caught the eye of an investor. Meanwhile, the medical data and image company secured a jaw-dropping acquisition deal worth $250M, and the marketing agency's front-page article scored them a valuable new sales lead. Not to be outdone, the small-town restaurant and brewery opened a whopping 12 new locations across the state. How did they achieve such remarkable success? By simply sharing their stories and wisdom with their target audiences through strategic media communication channels in all the right places. 



In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, media relations has emerged as a key component of a comprehensive, successful marketing strategy. While the concept of "going viral" on social media certainly captures attention, it is just one aspect of the broader media relations puzzle. Modern media relations is about building strong connections with journalists, influencers,and media channels to effectively disseminate your brand’s stories and expertise. It involves crafting and delivering content that resonates with the interests and needs of your target audience through the most impactful channels. In today’s interconnected world, these channels extend beyond traditional print magazines, newspapers, and broadcast radio/TV. They encompass an expansive web of online and print outlets, ranging from social media virality to securing coverage in local newspapers or being featured in podcasts, broadcast or radio interviews.  By leveraging the diverse digital landscape, businesses now have more opportunities than ever to connect with their target audience, enhance brand visibility and drive long-term growth. 



So, how can a PEO successfully integrate media relations into its marketing strategy? Well, it all begins with building strong relationships with reporters from industry publications within your target audience as well as local news and business outlets. By doing so, your PEO becomes the trusted go-to source for insights on everything from workforce management, leadership, benefits, hiring practices and employee retention, to productivity boosts and regulatory compliance. As a result, your PEO gains opportunities to contribute articles to these publications or be quoted as an expert in the journalists’ articles. By being visible and respected in the media, your PEO significantly improves its brand visibility and credibility, expanding its exposure and reach to a wider audience.  

To seamlessly integrate media relations into your marketing strategy, you need to take a targeted approach. Start by identifying your top three specific target audiences – trust me, being specific leads to greater success, and you can always expand later. Let's say your focus is on dentist offices, marketing agencies, and behavioral health clinics. Next, pinpoint the top publications in their respective industries. For instance, you'd have Dental Economics, MarTech, and Modern Healthcare on your list. Once you've compiled your trade publication roster, move on to local media outlets - think community papers, city newspapers, business journals, and TV/radio stations in your area. Now, it's time to delve deeper and create a list of contacts or reporters for each publication. Identify the editors, managing editors, and reporters who cover or have recently tackled HR/workforce topics. Many of these publications have webpages with clear instructions on how to reach out, whether you want to pitch a news piece, contribute a feature article, or volunteer your expertise as a source for an article. 



The next step is to create compelling press releases and pitches to send to your contacts. Press releases serve as news briefs, but keep in mind that not everything exciting to your organization will be exciting to the media. While it's essential to share with relevant audiences, it may not always get covered, depending on the news cycle. Pitch writing, on the other hand, is the heart and soul of media relations. Its aim is to persuade journalists to cover your brand or see your wisdom as a resource for a story they may want to tell. When crafting an email pitch, tailor it specifically to the journalist or media outlet you're targeting. Research their previous work and interests to understand the stories they cover and what resonates with their audience. A successful pitch has a catchy subject line, a compelling introduction, the core story or angle, and a clear call-to-action. Keep it concise for maximum impact. 

In essence, pitch writing in media relations involves effectively communicating a mutually beneficial story to journalists, enticing them with compelling narratives, and nurturing relationships that lead to valuable media coverage. For example, a PEO looking for coverage in a marketing publication might pitch a story on "How to Lead People Effectively on Marketing Teams," showcasing their expertise in leadership and management with a specific focus on that industry. 

Of course, media outreach and relationship-building can get much more sophisticated through strategic timing and exclusivity. Rapid response pitching, also known as newsjacking, is one tactic. It involves filtering real-time news and crafting responses tailored to those stories. For instance, during the COVID-19 pandemic, a smart approach would have been to email local reporters covering workplace-related COVID stories, offering tips for remote work or successful video calls.   

Media relations is far more than creating a little buzz, it’s a crucial component to your sales and marketing efforts. When done right, it has the potential to help your PEO break through the noise, broadening your reach and creating stronger connections with your target audience, while increasing brand awareness and fueling business growth. Now, you’re armed with the marketing secret of media relations. Now, go tell your story!   

Come find me at this year’s Annual Conference & Marketplace in Orlando and I’ll gladly share a couple of pitch examples or lend feedback to your media efforts!  


PR & Marketing ManagerTilsonColorado Springs, CO 

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