State of Restrictive Covenant Agreements

Our panelists will discuss restrictive covenant agreements with employees. As you may know, President Biden has greenlighted the FTC to scrutinize and limit these agreements, which will make it so there is some regulatory activity.  The panel will also discuss state laws and cases that interpret/limit the use

Data Privacy Laws and Retention Policies for PEOs

Data is such a hot topic, for all PEOs. This panel will lead a discussion on the best practices for handling PEO documentation to ensure your PEO is abiding by data privacy laws and keeping the correct retention policies.

PEO/EOR – The Debate

Hannah Walker, the Chair of NAPEO’s LAC EOR Working Group will moderate a lively discussion/debate on the of the moment PEO discussion – EOR.  What are they? How do they effect PEOs? This lively panel will discuss all of this and will give an update on the EOR working group. .

Case Law Update

Mike Gotzler of Littler Mendelsohn and Steve Pletcher of Scopelits, Garvin, Light, Hansen, & Feary will deliver one of the most highly rated portions of the program:  an update on the key cases and developments in employment law over the past year. This is a can’t-miss session. Consider it an invaluable addition to your legal toolkit.

Ethics: Belligerent Barristers Edition – Part Deux 

Come cross the line again with Kerim Fidel of Paychex, John Polson of Fisher Phillips, and NAPEO’s own Nick Kapiotis as they explore the ethical limits of being an aggressive attorney.  Using real-life examples of bad behavior, we will take a deep dive into ethics rules about the difference between zealous advocacy and immoral malefaction. 

State Pay Transparency Laws

Many states have recently enacted such laws, and it is getting complicated out there!  This panel will discuss these laws, how to ensure your PEO is operating correctly and complying with these laws.  And of course, pay equity will be included.

Benefits & Tax Update

There is so much going on in the world of benefits, taxes – who hasn’t discussed ERTC or remote employees on a daily basis? Our expert panel will help you with guidance, finding resources to include out-of-state remote workers, paid sick leave, and everything benefits, come prepared to take notes.

AML – Know Your Obligations

Anti-money laundering, do you have this in your PEO CSA?  You should, as this helps with fraud, flow from banking, all top of mind for PEOs.  Our panel will discuss what you as a PEO operator/counsel need to know and what your obligations are. 


NAPEO will apply for continuing legal education (CLE) credit in 31 states for a total of 385 minutes of general instruction, including 60 minutes of ethics instruction. Depending on the state, this is 6.00 to 7.70 credit hours, including 1.00 ethics credit hour.

If you are in need of CLE credit, please remember to request credit in one of the following ways: during registration or by contacting Ellie Rubalow. To receive CLE credits, you will need to attend each session for which you’d like to receive credit by scanning your badge at the front of the session room.

Feel free to request a general letter of attendance and any supporting materials needed for your self-reporting purposes for any state. For any questions and requests, please contact Ellie Rubalow


NAPEO is an approved Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) recertification provider and will offer credit towards SPHR/PHR recertification through the HR Certification Institute (HRCI). NAPEO will also request South Carolina CPE credits.

If you require any continuing professional education credits, please remember to request credit in one of the following ways: during registration or by contacting Ellie Rubalow

If your continuing education program is not mentioned above, feel free to request a general letter of attendance and any supporting materials needed for your self-reporting purposes. For any questions and requests, please contact Ellie Rubalow.