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The Elegant PEO Technology Framework

Innovative, Integrated, Scalable

Because almost everything a PEO does for its clients depends on it’s technology infrastructure, this framework must be capable of adapting to technological advances, integrating each and every aspect of the PEO’s operation, and growing with the PEO.

In developing a framework that can accommodate all of these requirements, PEOs can look to the nautilus for inspiration. The outer shell of this creature is secure, reinforced by its unique inner spiral shape. The elegant and delicate shape of the spiral—an innovative design when it originated hundreds of millions of years ago—was so innovative, in fact, that the nautilus survives in the world’s oceans to this day. The shell has provided a framework for the nautilus to adapt to its environment over its evolutionary history, while the one thing allowing it to survive for eons—it’s shell—remains unchanged. Know More



Process Integration

If you’re already skeptical about what process integration is all about and how it could be viewed as a PEO value proposition, please read on. Understanding and communicating this concept to a prospective client is guaranteed to distinguish you from the competition. Several years ago, I began to catalogue what I refer to as “gold standard” value propositions. These are value propositions PEOs can bring to business owners that these owners could not otherwise bring to the business themselves. That’s right—the PEO would be the exclusive source. Sound interesting? Let’s take a look at why process integration definitely qualifies as a gold standard value proposition. I’ll introduce the concept by presenting a definition of integration that evolved from my research.

Legal Currents

The Perils of Smart Phones

In this article, I will discuss developing technology-based practices or circumstances that affect employers in a way not anticipated until relatively lately. While there are many areas of the workplace that technology affects, I have settled on a few issues related to smartphones. These technology tools have changed the relationship between employer and employee considerably and demonstrate how tools of technology, although useful and efficient, can intersect with questions of privacy and potential liability. As “professional” employers, PEOs need to be aware of such developments and be prepared to advise clients about best practices.


Statehouse Update

Outcomes of Elections Can Impact PEO Industry Paul Richman

On Election Day this November, 46 states will be holding elections. There are elections for governor in 36 states, and elections for 6,056 legislative seats in 46 states. These state elections are important for the PEO industry, as over the past 30 years, NAPEO has devoted a great amount of its resources to establish a state regulatory framework to govern the industry in 41 states.

NAPEO Notebook

Industry Momentum Builds with Dynamic Conference and Release of Insightful White Paper Patrick J. Cleary

Well, I am back safe and sound from NAPEO’s 2014 Annual Conference & Marketplace last month, but apparently my voice has yet to leave Miami—I’m still waiting for it.

NAPEO Advisor

Minimum Value Coverage, ‘Micro Bargaining’ Unit, Employment Eligibility, Domestic Violence Brendan W. Williams, Esq.

Q. Can insurance without hospital coverage meet minimum value standards? A. Not really, but it’s complicated. Amidst many errors associated with Affordable Care Act (ACA) implementation, there are errors in the federal software used to determine actuarial value of coverage for self-insured employers.


Brent R. Tilson: 2015 NAPEO Chairman of the Board

You started your career as a CPA. What lessons did you learn, and how do you apply them at your PEO? I learned that entrepreneurs have a passion for building and growing businesses, and that the responsibilities that go along with running a business can often get neglected when the entrepreneur pursues his dream.

The Inside Word

Strength, Stability, and Success Brent R. Tilson

As I reflect on the 30th anniversary of our industry, I’m incredibly humbled by the individuals who have given of their time and talent to help us grow into what we have become today. I recall my early years when we would gather together, yellow pads in hand, yearning for all of the information we could gather to understand this new, fascinating industry and the future ahead of us.

In Memoriam

Ron Villella: FAPEO Lobbyist, 1994 to 2010

By all accounts, the best qualities a state lobbyist could have all came together in Ron Villella, who served the Florida Association of Professional Employer Organizations (FAPEO) for 16 years.

Global Insights

Five Ways to Improve Education Thomas J. Donohue

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce recently released its Leaders & Laggards report ( on K–12 education. The data paint a grim picture. Without meaningful reform and sustained improvement, the United States will lose its edge in global competition, put the economy at risk, and consign future generations of Americans to limited opportunities.


Workers’ Compensation Risk Management Best Practices Jane McCoggins

As any long-time PEO executive can attest, the industry seems to face an abundance of ever-changing challenges. Those who were around in the early 2000s will vividly remember the looming workers’ compensation (WC) insurance crisis at that time.

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